Earnings Disclaimer

Last Updated on 11.17.2022

Earnings Disclaimer

Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and it’s potential. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas, and techniques. We do not purport this as any form of "get rich quick scheme".

Any and all forward looking statements here or on any of our sales material are intended to express our opinion of earnings potential. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else, in fact, no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from our ideas and techniques in our material.

Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to the training systems, programs, ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions.

Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. 

You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.


We Present Testimonials and Insights About Other People’s Experiences with Our Website and/or Domains for Purposes of Illustration Only. The Testimonials, Examples, and Photos Used Are of Actual Clients. They Are Not Intended to Represent or Guarantee that Current or Future Clients Will Achieve the Same or Similar Results; Rather, These Testimonials Represent What Is Possible for Illustrative Purposes Only. We make no income or earnings claims - do you own due diligence.

Additional Info

This Site Is Not A Part Of The Google Or Facebook Website Or Google/Facebook Inc. Additionally, This Site NOT Endorsed By Or Affiliated With Google Or Facebook In Any Way. GOOGLE Or FACEBOOK Is A Trademark Of GOOGLE, Inc. Or FACEBOOK, Inc, Or Meta, Inc.